Black Friday is the name given to the day after Thanksgiving and marks one of the largest shopping days globally. This list includes stocks of companies that are closely tied to the surge in consumer spending, such as retailers, e-commerce platforms, payment processors, and logistics firms.
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73629457 : I’m trying to save. you seem to have been brainwashed… also I dont care if people buy or sell I only care about my choice which is puts I already bought
Ultratech OP 73629457 : yes I'm brainwashed exactly thanks for saving me. I'm sure your intentions are heartfilled. I however on the other hand am a monster i hope your puts burn to zero you deserve it. ppl like you don't last long in stocks you will blow your account. I want you to remember what I said and think about your choices when you're account drops.
73629457 Ultratech OP : thanks. Also i haven’t lost once yet check all my previous comments. But good luck with that bro I said and did what I could before crash happens![undefined [undefined]](
Ultratech OP 73629457 : I don't care i depise your type of pos manipulative user. Hopefully your luck runs out soon. I really don't give a fuck when ppl say a crash is going to occur everyday for months eventually they'll get it . either way it's too frequently abused annoying daily bs I'm sick of seeing moomoo needs to extend block list to unlimited so I can block your crap. a stock can dump 20% and when ppl go lol look it's crashing haha I want to block every one of them simply because they find it enjoyable. I want to see stocks go up. ppl who want them to tank aren't on the team. I despise bearish sediment simple as that. ppl who do it i want to block. youre basically betting on a market crash on Monday . fantastic you should go work for Goldman sachs
Ultratech OP : I just don't want to see it. it's nonstop everyday for years I see ppl on spy crying blood the entire way up its always right on the line every day spy or nvidia goes into the red "o it's dumping run sell" no. stocks go into the red almost daily retarded noobs don't understand this they don't have the patience to hold long.