Featured Tech Stocks represent leading technology companies with strong market presence, influential in their industries, and notable for robust innovation and profitability. These firms are market leaders, significantly affecting the tech sector and broader economy.
- The “Trump Surge” is just the beginning of a larger rally; the force of interest was brief, but is likely to be much stronger as details emerge about Trump’s policy stance
- Consumer demand in the US; Trump voters show their support through consumer engagement and Tesla cars might become a consumable form of Trump support. Trump won the popular vote, demonstrat...
I also support EM’s Dogi coin, brougt during covid, about 5k, today check 25k
It may come as a surprise to some, but the US and Germany are not the only new car markets on Earth. Tons of new cars are sold every year in Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Those markets have traditionally been ignored by German and US car manufacturers, but Japanese brands such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Mitsubishi have ...
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