Featured Tech Stocks represent leading technology companies with strong market presence, influential in their industries, and notable for robust innovation and profitability. These firms are market leaders, significantly affecting the tech sector and broader economy.
market decide enter retrace phase ? 136 is head and shoulder line
Basically, get paid 1k premium to buy 100 shares of Nvidia at 132 before 21 Mar 2024 (if it drops below 132).
No margin interest, keep premium unless buying back the option. Cash increases immediately after selling this put, which could be used to invest.
So, is this a good deal?
As the antitrust news from Chinese authorities have halted the rally of NVIDIA and presented another buying opportunity those who missed.
Already there is higher demand than supply for NVIDIA chips with this NVIDIA prioritise US and global customers over china
China market business is close to 12% with demand exceeding supply in other region it can be very positve news that they can complete orders.
if Antitrust authorities clear NVIDIA ...
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