steady pp : master can you share some knowledge or resources on how you spot trade pattern?
Samur steady pp : Buy low sell high
72576952 Samur :
Cuhai88 : Falling very powerful oh
Zuri Farhan OP Cuhai88 : buy the dip
Cuhai88 : What specific position do you need to guard today?
Zuri Farhan OP Cuhai88 : buy more shares at $2. this counter is still uptrend. and another thing, about fundamental is good to hold
Cuhai88 : Seems like having diarrhea.
Samur : you mean technology or share price
SBRolo : options wise, this one QS because the bid ask spread intervals by 1, not by 5 like the other company
Space Dust : the second hump has started!
Lostboy98 : What impact did the epidemic have when it started?
102423677 S Lostboy98 : The translation is incorrect. It should mean 'peak'.
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i make so much on this easy shit day by day. ive made over 2.5k on QS so far.
how many tens of billions of dollars of chips will Toyota be buying from Nvidia to scale autonomous driving?
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