151303780 : I know i got same feeling
廡所事事的人 : I have similar calculations, my target entry 55
pootpoot 廡所事事的人 : u use abacus to calculate?
廡所事事的人 pootpoot : use valuation model la...
pootpoot 廡所事事的人 : ic. i only buy when its calculated using abacus
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chinichou : Hehehe, it feels good.
ben123 : It has already fallen below.
151303780 : WOW !! very Accurate
151303780 : when you reckon it will best time to buy?
151303780 : what will be the best to buy ?
ScorpioRebelliousTV OP 151303780 : Observing this stock for now, it still have potential to drop even further, better don't buy Nike stock now if you don't own any of it.
jiecheng1314 : go otw to 70
laww : Is it possible to buy?
pootpoot OP laww : nope. jus trading the swing. the balance sheet is terrible even with the new CEO. it needs ALOT of time to readjust their strats ...
72672579 pootpoot OP : How much did pootpoot see this time?
TWIMO (151403908) : Is Lululemon worth almost 50% of Nike?
pootpoot : how much is the dividend?
David Wang009 pootpoot : 2.3%
totototototo : When is the ex-dividend date.
肥牛 : It is highly likely to be within 60.
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