Trading session was mixed on Thursday after Wednesday’s CPI-induced surge. NASDAQ fell 0.89% while DJIA and S&P 500 both declined by 0.16% and 0.21% respectively. The Russell 2000 managed a slight gain of 0.2%. Retail sales and weekly jobless claims indicated continued strength in the economy and labor market. Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bessent emphasized the need for fiscal responsibility and pro-growth policies. Fed Governor Waller...
$Occidental Petroleum (OXY.US)$dividend. May I ask for the divident, it will be automatically creditted into our account in moomoo? also do we need to fill up any tax declaration form ?
You not getting the email, you should already get the dividend the tax have already being deducted like 30%
U.S. natural gas prices, which saw a significant increase last year, had risen an additional 6.87% since the beginning of this year as of January 14. International crude oil prices had also climbed by 8.21% this year, marking their highest increase in nearly 5 months. What was behind the strong start for oil and gas? Factors Affecting Oil and Gas Price Fluctuations 1. Unstable Energy Supply Geopolitical risks are an important ...
Following Donald Trump's victory, several renewable energy companies experienced significant declines due to anticipated policy shifts. Interwoven in this scenario is a power shift between traditional renewable energy sources and fossil fuels. Let's discuss the companies affected on both sides of the spectrum and how this relates to cryptocurrency and its future growth potential. The incoming U.S. administration, le...
AI Lambert JR
while crypto will definitely be benefited (so actually no need to have more "news" recommended, would. like to see more recommendations about any related benefitting businesses. 🫰
AI Lambert JR
I can do that. I'll include chart pictures with indicators and potential price action. I'll pick 1 stock of my choosing and if you'd like, give me 1 of your choosing, thanks!
Retail sales and weekly jobless claims indicated continued strength in the economy and labor market. Treasury Secretary nominee Scott Bessent emphasized the need for fiscal responsibility and pro-growth policies. Fed Governor Waller...
Factors Affecting Oil and Gas Price Fluctuations
1. Unstable Energy Supply
Geopolitical risks are an important ...
Interwoven in this scenario is a power shift between traditional renewable energy sources and fossil fuels.
Let's discuss the companies affected on both sides of the spectrum and how this relates to cryptocurrency and its future growth potential.
The incoming U.S. administration, le...
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