eggs on bull
2dte is too dangerous. theta will eat into the profits. locking gains is the best choice. There are always opportunities available. Snowballing is the way.
Alex Karp eat shit
what the fuck? $93 premarket??? who is buying these crazily vlaued stock? lol. fairprice is $20-30 to be very honest. this will not end well
neonfowl : We think alike![undefined [undefined]](
eggs on bull OP neonfowl : locked my gains just in case.
neonfowl eggs on bull OP : Great job! I closed mine too, with another 1 position left to run the course. Cheers!
70654927 : sounds good...goodlooking out. 93p on pltr 250328. guessing keep it?
eggs on bull OP 70654927 : 2dte is too dangerous. theta will eat into the profits. locking gains is the best choice. There are always opportunities available. Snowballing is the way.
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