TWIMO (151403908)
How long have you monitored this stock? How do you find stocks to monitor? Were you expecting this kinda shocks? When do you take profits/sell?
OPTWIMO (151403908)
I literally did a search on perplexity I don't even bother with Google I didn't Google sucks perplexity is milliseconds spot on information, I did a post so everybody else could see it. I've got stock screeners you can input in revenue you can put in profit margins you can put in whatever you want or you can just look at IBD lists of relative strength stocks I mean there's so much that's out there that you can source depending upon your investment style there's people that do the dow dog theory and that's what they do they're contrarians so there's not one source in fact is the reason why I joined up with Momo is to get new ideas from other people that are outside of my circle of friends people that are outside of the country people that have different backgrounds that look at things differently that I would never have been exposed to. so I did a search for quantum stocks perplexity I wanted to see if there was anything else that hasn't run yet and here it is and I knew it was just a matter of when not if it was going to take off because other people are going to do the same type of search they're going to look for anything in the industry that hasn't moved and they're going to buy it blindly and you're seeing it now it's over three bucks. I never heard of this company before in my life but I know when sectors rally everything runs just like we saw with SMR the nuclear reactors it didn't make a damn bit of difference no revenues losses every stock took off like a missile and that's the same thing if it's got quantum in its name or description they're going to run the shit out of it but I'm not going to be the last one holding I've already got orders in right now.
TWIMO (151403908)
You didn’t post this over the weekend to avoid redicule? I shall search for breakouts both ways to learn more. So it seems in this case you let your profits ride, did you take profits or slept on it? What’s your next move? I bought Estee Lauder 2 weeks ago after deciding the chart looks good but now I don’t know what to do next…. Please advise
OPTWIMO (151403908)
I'm going to sell everything I'm not leaving profits in this because when you get a stock that goes that's a penny that goes up hundreds of percent there's no fundamental reason for this Dr rally if it was a legit company with real revenues real growth I'd leave profits in it or I'd leave a percentage of profits but nothing like this this is a nothing company it could be out of business . you have no idea who's running the company how far along they are they don't correspond they don't post information news it's really sketchy but momentum is your friend and money is buying blindly it's the bigger fool theory.. and the faster it goes up the more money goes in you just have to make a decision when the hell to get out and count your blessings you made money and don't look back at it because it could go to 6 it could go to 10 you have no idea you can't live in the past and go I wish I could have should have would have
Dividend Kings In Canada are companies that have increased their Dividend per share for the most consecutive years, reflecting a strong business model and robust financials, and are likely to outperform the market with less volatility. Dividend Kings In Canada are companies that have increased their Dividend per share for the most consecutive years, reflecting a strong business model and robust financials, and are likely to outperform the market with less volatility.
Lvmyself : got 2k share at 4 last week ....should have waited
MKntrader OP : be a ptriotic Canadian 🫡
Lvmyself : This stock is dormant