C29 Metals Ltd: Change of Registrar
C29 Metals Ltd: Reinstatement to Quotation
C29 Metals Ltd: Ministerial Approval Update
C29 Metals Ltd: Extension of Voluntary Suspension
C29 Metals Ltd: Suspension from Quotation
C29 Metals Ltd: Trading Halt
C29 Metals Ltd: New Tenements Approved to Commence Geological Works
C29 Metals Ltd: Category 2 Environmental Permit Received
C29 Metals Ltd: MOU Signed with Volkov Geology
C29 Metals Ltd: Regional Government Meetings
C29 Metals Ltd: Proposed issue of securities - C29
C29 Metals Ltd: Approval to Mobilise and Commence
C29 Metals Ltd: Trading Halt
C29 Metals Ltd: Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement
C29 Metals Ltd: Licence Application Granted for Ulytau Uranium Project
C29 Metals Ltd: Approval to Commence Initial Geological Work Program
C29 Metals Ltd: Licence Application Granted around Ulytau Uranium Project
C29 Metals Ltd: Clarification Announcement
C29 Metals Ltd: License Applications Lodged around Ulytau Uranium Project
C29 Metals Ltd: Appointment of Competent Person