55.68MMarket Cap-1.12P/E (TTM)
0.029High0.027Low5.55MVolume0.029Open0.028Pre Close155.34KTurnover0.04252wk High0.41%Turnover Ratio1.99BShares0.01952wk Low-0.025EPS TTM37.71MFloat Cap2.514Historical HighLossP/E (Static)1.35BShs Float0.006Historical Low-0.032EPS LYR7.14%Amplitude--Dividend TTM0.44P/B100Lot Size--Div YieldTTM
MiltonWong : its not even profitable lol
bullrider_21 OP MiltonWong : It doesn't have to. It will rise so long as its net loss is reduced y-o-y or q-o-q.
MiltonWong bullrider_21 OP : but it might get into sgx watchlist soon at this rate of year after year of losses lol
bullrider_21 OP MiltonWong : How many years already?
MiltonWong bullrider_21 OP : 2 years
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