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Licensed-degen : You want your money to go further start by voting for smaller government.
151453268 witso : calm the farm Jess, if you think real inflation that drains your pocket just before you leave the shops is coming down then a Nuclear power plant can be built in a day just not going to happen Jess, we have been sold down the river of completely unrealistic green ideals, when base load power is reduced ie coal and gas of course power supply is affected and while we tinker with green intermittent alternatives so to the costs go up, these things go hand in hand and our blind idealistic governments have had know idea how to truly manage it. I know what you want, and it will make you feel good when you drive an Ev but you will actually be doing squat for the environment thats the reality. PS not a hater just a realist there is going to more pain before it gets better

151633530 :
73741530 : Icant participate in this poll, I dont have blue hair.