3.20Open3.20Pre Close0 Volume284 Open Interest26.00Strike Price0.00Turnover99.34%IV-2.70%PremiumJan 17, 2025Expiry Date4.01Intrinsic Value100Multiplier23DDays to Expiry0.00Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type0.7601Delta0.0411Gamma5.66Leverage Ratio-0.0525Theta0.0113Rho4.30Eff Leverage0.0236Vega
102857288 : ?
152467443 : CSCO and ZM is dream which will not come true.
韭菜变主力 : $Intel (INTC.US)$ definitely does not want to sell $Mobileye Global (MBLY.US)$ at this price. This is a part of core technology INTC still has.