US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

CTKYY CooTek Cayman

  • 0.026000
  • 0.0000000.00%
15min DelayClose Dec 9 16:00 ET
193.49KMarket Cap-0.08P/E (TTM)

About CooTek Cayman Company

CooTek (Cayman), Inc. is a mobile internet company, which engages in the development of mobile applications and artificial intelligence technology. Its products include Hi Shou, Drink Water Reminder, Happy Jogging, Crazy Reading Novel, Idle Land King Tycoon, Farm Hero, Crazy Painting, Hi Hamster, and TouchPal Smart Input. The company was founded by Kan Zhang, Teng Ren, Jia Liang Wang, Jim Wang, and Qiao Ling in 2008 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China.

Company Profile

Company NameCooTek Cayman
Listing DateSep 28, 2018
CEOMr. Michael Jialiang Wang
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
Address11th Floor, T2, No.16, Lane 399,Xinlong Road,Minhang District
Zip Code201101

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Susan Qiaoling Li
  • Director, Chief Executive Officer and President
  • --
  • Karl Kan Zhang
  • Chairman of the Board, Chief Technology Officer and Acting Chief Financial Officer
  • --
  • Glen Qian Sun
  • Director
  • --
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