i would not invest in this company if i were told it would 10×. any company that refuses to do its core job duty deserves to go bankrupt (i.e. failing &/or refusing to report the truth through their security & instead using fake biased informants &/or outright false &/or politically biased information & #MisInformation). if anything i would short the hell out of this if i had the opportunity. this company brings shame on Texas for being the DemocRATS minions spreading false info.
Zul Zulkifli
hello, my comment was in regard to crowdstrike but I must've accidentally deleted that tag. I don't currently have any negativity towards Tesla (not heavily invested in it but I've made some profit off Tesla stock... I don't think electric vehicles are viable just yet but maybe someday)
OriginaLew : i would not invest in this company if i were told it would 10×. any company that refuses to do its core job duty deserves to go bankrupt (i.e. failing &/or refusing to report the truth through their security & instead using fake biased informants &/or outright false &/or politically biased information & #MisInformation). if anything i would short the hell out of this if i had the opportunity. this company brings shame on Texas for being the DemocRATS minions spreading false info.
Zul Zulkifli OriginaLew : $Tesla (TSLA.US)$
Spitfire : Why is it a strong buy from analysts when the basic like liabilities is more than its asset kinda show what this company is doing.
OriginaLew Zul Zulkifli : hello, my comment was in regard to crowdstrike but I must've accidentally deleted that tag. I don't currently have any negativity towards Tesla (not heavily invested in it but I've made some profit off Tesla stock... I don't think electric vehicles are viable just yet but maybe someday)