0.00Open0.36Pre Close0 Volume1 Open Interest22.50Strike Price0.00Turnover343.01%IV64.67%PremiumJan 17, 2025Expiry Date0.00Intrinsic Value100Multiplier11DDays to Expiry0.36Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type-0.0211Delta0.0014Gamma174.06Leverage Ratio-0.0825Theta-0.0005Rho-3.68Eff Leverage0.0055Vega
152355965 : With such good performance, the steep decline is difficult to understand.
※知足常乐※ 152355965 : It is evident that there are institutions manipulating.
152355965 ※知足常乐※ : Sigh, are you putting pressure on Chinese companies?
bb5678 : SSEC is about to move.
Maggie_Lee ※知足常乐※ : Clear
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