Gold Glitters, but does it deliver all the time? A rolling 25 year look back provides more perspective
is a chance to dive into the rolling 25-year performance of Gold vs. the S&P 500 since 1978.
But here’s the kicker: no single asset class, especially not Gold, is your golden ticket to investment success. Since 1978, over any rolling 25-year period, gold has only just edged out the S&P 500 when you cherry-pick starting at the Dotcom crash and includes the GFC an...
淡定的惠特莫爾 : Will it continue to fall? Should I sell now? Hi!
172727077 : Don't be afraid to buy again at a lower price
淡定的惠特莫爾 172727077 : Thank you Good night
TANDOT : sell sell sell don't buy