It seems like it is highly disadvantaged when compared to other assets as: -It is aggressively taxed compared to other investments (28% v. 20%) -It has little intrinsic value unlike real estate or stock on companies -It is usually bought at a premium, and sold at a discount in terms of physical gold -Not spectacular constant returns So, why is it such a popular investment? $Gold (LIST2110.US)$$GoldMining Inc (GOLD.CA)$$ZHAOJIN MINING (01818.HK)$
Dart Board Picks
I felt the same way 25 years as a longstanding history of being money and have come to be a tier 1 bank asset. In countries that have repressive governments and money controls gold is what those people flock to. People in India and China can wear the wealth they have accumulated and if they have to take it off their finger and buy something. The US government can't sieze China's gold if it sitting in China but they could use it to pay for Russian oil if the need arrises...a lack of understanding for gold is a western issue and the rest of the world tends to embrace it
$Barrick Gold (GOLD.US)$$GoldMining Inc (GOLD.CA)$ He explained that Williams believes that when small spectators get too bullish on gold, this often indicates that it’s about to peak. Conversely, when these small spectators become too bearish, it tends to indicate that the precious metal has reached or is approaching the bottom of a cycle. Exhibit A was the gold rallying past the US$2,000 mark in March just as small sp...
$Barrick Gold (GOLD.US)$$GoldMining Inc (GOLD.CA)$CNBC's Jim Cramer tells investors that gold is on the verge of a rally and that this is the perfect time for investors to get into gold. "The legendary Larry Williams explains charts that show the public is selling off gold in large quantities, and he sees this as the perfect entry point to buy gold," Commitment data shows that small speculators held the smallest long positions since May 2019, just before ...
The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector. The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector.
iceguy : good