153.35BMarket Cap19.57P/E (TTM)
60.530High59.880Low1.75MVolume60.530Open61.470Pre Close105.53MTurnover0.07%Turnover Ratio19.57P/E (Static)2.54BShares68.50052wk High1.90P/B152.54BFloat Cap51.56252wk Low0.69Dividend TTM2.53BShs Float80.816Historical High1.14%Div YieldTTM1.06%Amplitude0.761Historical Low60.344Avg Price1Lot Size
Sg Lion : Transactions in Singapore must be exchanged for US dollars to buy US stocks, right?
104757341 OP Sg Lion : Yup
sentosa island : What is GCB from
Sg Lion 104757341 OP : I think there are also people who make money that is settled in Singapore currency? Is it an option or something?
Eewin Woon : Do you really want to do this? Is HDB for the elderly?
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