842.16MMarket Cap10.06P/E (Static)
0.920High0.905Low15.17KVolume0.915Open0.960Pre Close13.84KTurnover1.32152wk High0.00%Turnover Ratio930.56MShares0.85652wk Low0.09EPS TTM842.16MFloat Cap2.038Historical High10.06P/E (Static)930.56MShs Float0.064Historical Low0.09EPS LYR1.56%Amplitude0.09Dividend TTM0.75P/B1Lot Size9.83%Div YieldTTM
EvanderAU : Has anyone taught me how to play high dividend.
Lysander : The higher the risk, the greater the reward.
Wealthy Leio : Yes there sure is, see your bank/broker to explain to you.
Peterson111 : Here comes the money.
Liam Mitchell : Hopefully someone will take me on as well.