79.59BMarket Cap2.94P/E (TTM)
8.750High8.500Low108.50KVolume8.500Open8.100Pre Close937.71KTurnover9.19052wk High0.00%Turnover Ratio9.10BShares6.45052wk Low2.973EPS TTM53.45BFloat Cap9.190Historical High3.96P/E (Static)6.11BShs Float6.450Historical Low2.21EPS LYR3.09%Amplitude--Dividend TTM0.47P/B100Lot Size--Div YieldTTM
Tencent HK SDR 10to1 Stock Forum
Covered in the video are Tencent warrants $TencentMBeCW250804 (TRUW.SG)$
and tencent HK SDR 10 to 1 $Tencent HK SDR 10to1 (HTCD.SG)$
Singapore Depository Receipts (SDR): https://www.sgx.com/campaign/sdr
Macquarie Warrants: https://www.warrants.com.sg
@Macquarie Warrants Singapore
Tencent ( $Tencent HK SDR 10to1 (HTCD.SG)$) SDR slid 8% earlier in the week after the company was added to a list of Chinese military companies by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Recent traded price at HKD 368.40 (S$6.63) is testing a key support level near HKD 350.00 (S$6.30). This level coincides with a prior resistance-turned-sup...
Any pros/cons to buy the SDR instead of from the HK exchange?
$Tencent HK SDR 10to1 (HTCD.SG)$ 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
The suite of HK SDR provides thematic exposures to evolving global trends in AI transformation, EV transition and financials, allowing in...
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