88.59KMarket Cap-0.01P/E (TTM)
0.000High0.000Low0Volume0.000Open0.125Pre Close0.00Turnover96.20052wk High0.00%Turnover Ratio708.68KShares6.50052wk Low-22.004EPS TTM88.59KFloat Cap12281.100Historical High0.00P/E (Static)708.68KShs Float6.500Historical Low-39.637EPS LYR0.00%Amplitude--Dividend TTM0.01P/B1Lot Size--Div YieldTTM
74537207 : A pharma stock can rise when they have some good results or clinical study etc. On the other hand, here we are talking about a bunch of frauds running a shady operation with a GPT based app made by a recent Masters graduate. Ask yourselves: is it really the same?
momo poppins OP : you talking abt that.. this post is abt somethn else
momo poppins OP 74537207 : you seem a lil too emotional to came out unscathed.. however you call it.. or you already started drinking. whatever you're talking about on your post.. nobody here has control over . whose running the app, board directors.. all we got control over is how we manage our risk.. this is abt my experience.. not to compare.. or find similarities.. bc like a heartbeat and like a lofi beat all stocks are not the same..