Standard and Poor
IMO, daily chart still seems strong, analyst ratings have only seen upgrades and no downgrades. I think there is still potential upside.
Market Re-Cap: What Happened Last Week (For 13th Jan week) US Market US markets closed higher last week, with the$E-mini S&P 500 Futures(MAR5) (ESmain.US)$and$E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(MAR5) (NQmain.US)$futures making their first weekly gain as investors gear up for the next steps following the inauguration of Donald Trump on Monday. The S&P 500 climbed 2.75%, while the NASDAQ advanced 2.84%. Outperformance in the energy sector and large-cap technol...
Cui Nyonya Kueh
Edited: Teacher Lim, may I ask why your first and second support for HSI drift so apart? I listened to both of your talk. 1. last week traders edge - HSI did not meet your expectations (and that was before the released of the 5% GDP) 2. ytd sias with sunny - the mentioned of to listen to the Chinese govt. have your view towards HSI changed? Thank you!
Gabriel Apilando
Cui Nyonya Kueh
I was incarcerated for 10 and 20 year sentences back in 2000. I just maxed out, last year. Investments restarted from 2001, were while on supervised release, then each interval while on parole. Incidentally, a lot of bad relationships (with hopes and good intentions), created situations where I had let down my guard and was showing ex what I did on the web all the time. In which my vitals were revealed. This most likely had opened a window to these misinterpreted mistaken identity issues I encountered. Due to the timing of most incidents of interests, withholding myself trying to figure out "what's going on!!" and how to rectify these issues seems I just complicated it more. Now that I have a clearer perspective on things, after tortuous frustrating events. I surrendered to find legal and professional guidance, "a bit late". So I pray if anyone who reads this ever finds themselves in similar situations, "get financially legal advice", where my pride led to just nightmares after nightmares of frustrating events. That's why, my ignorant actions of male ego "I got this bull#%!@" rewarded me. Hard lesson learned, but I my true intentions are in living a positive and honest lifestyle. Now I'm dealing with things transparently, so others may know, "what not to do and to rectify issues of life in a positive way".
mohd ammi bin ismail : hello all