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Teijin, Sumitomo Chemicals, ETC [List of brand materials from the newspaper]
*Teijin <3401> shipped samples of electrode materials, miniaturizing the Fuel Cell Energy for Autos (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) — ○*Sumitomo Chemicals <4005> focuses on Agrochemicals and electronic materials with a new mid-term plan, solidifying its foundation for a return to growth (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Mercari <4385> enters the MVNO market, allowing the resale of unused gigabytes on 'Mercari' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Nagase & Co. <8012> establishes a new investment fund, creating a new company to transform its materials business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) — ○*Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> supports the introduction of EV trucks for Pharmaceutical Logistics comprehensively.
Tech Is Floundering – but 'Critical' Selectivity Can Still Offer You Outperformance – BMO
Live Stock News: -2.8% GDP, Trade War Sends Market Lower, Tesla Sales Punished
The USA photovoltaic industry is facing its 'darkest hour': Sunnova plummeted 71% overnight. Did Trump destroy the entire Industry?
On March 4, Eastern Time, shares of Sunnova Energy International Inc., a solar energy company in the USA, plummeted by 71% due to greater-than-expected losses in the last quarter and significant uncertainty regarding its ability to continue operations; The solar Energy industry in the USA is facing its "darkest hour" due to factors such as high interest rates, weakening incentives, and opposition to green Energy initiatives by the Trump administration.
Sunnova's 64% Swoon Leads Solar Stocks Facing Crisis of Uncertainty
Live Stock News: Chips Falling Alongside Crypto Despite Trump Money News-- the Honeymoon is Over