US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.272300
  • -0.006900-2.47%
15min DelayClose Dec 18 16:00 ET
45.56MMarket Cap-7.17P/E (TTM)

About ILIKA PLC Company

Ilika Plc engages in the production, design, and development of solid state batteries. The firm offers its products to be applied in MedTech, Industrial IoT (Internet of Things), Electric Vehicles and Consumer Electronics. The company was founded on March 12, 2010 and is headquartered in Romsey, the United Kingdom.

Company Profile

Company NameILIKA PLC
CEOMr. Graeme Purdy
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends04-30
AddressThe Quadrangle,Abbey Park Industrial Estate,Unit 10a, Premier Way
CountryUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Zip CodeSO51 9DL

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Graeme Purdy
  • Executive Director,Chief Executive Officer
  • 334.54K
  • Jason Robert Fredrick Stewart
  • Executive Director,Chief Financial Officer
  • 187.11K
  • Professor Keith Jackson
  • Non-Executive Director,Chairman
  • 71.34K
  • Dr. Monika Biddulph
  • Non-Executive Director
  • 35.94K
  • Jeremy Howard Millard
  • Non-Executive Director,Senior Independent Director
  • 35.94K
  • . Mandy Caroline Petitt
  • Company Secretary
  • --
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