46.670High46.585Low244.60KVolume46.630Open46.585Pre Close11.41MTurnover0.58%Turnover Ratio--P/E (Static)42.25MShares46.67552wk High--P/B1.97BFloat Cap44.35052wk Low1.26Dividend TTM42.25MShs Float48.289Historical High2.71%Div YieldTTM0.18%Amplitude32.134Historical Low46.630Avg Price1Lot Size
Calls to consider -
ITM 190c or 185c 5/24
OTM 192.5c or 195c 5/24
Puts to consider -
ITM 190p 6/21 or 7/19 (if target is reached prior to 6/24 ER I expect a bounce for ER)
OTM 180p or 175p 6/21 or 7/19 (if target is reached prior to 6/24 ER
I expect a bounce for ER)
Would it be a good idea to have the sell order ready at open? If so, what should I sell it at? I only have 5 contracts so I would assume 500x$5=$2500 to...
On 12/17/2021 Pelosi bought 10 GOOG calls with a strike of $2000 and exp 9/16/2022. On 12/17 it closed at 2856. Right now it's trading at 2,929. Apparently Nancy is the greatest investor of all time. Assuming she maintains her accuracy, what is the downside here of just going all in on GOOG shares?
Same questi...
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