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JPMorgan Options Spot-On: On January 13th, 82,821 Contracts Were Traded, With 821.96K Open Interest
Wall Street Today: Market Turns Around, Let's See if it Lasts
Dow, S&P, Nasdaq Ended Trading Mixed Ahead of Inflation and Earnings Figures
Equities Mixed as Traders Await Bank Earnings, Inflation Data
Equities Mixed Intraday as Markets Await Bank Earnings, Inflation Data
Most and Least Shorted S&P 500 Financial Stocks in December
74917530 : +
U.S. tightens its grip on AI chip flows across the globe
105106443 74917530 : Nvidia Slams Biden ‘Overreach’ And Praises Trump—As AI Stock Enters Correction Territory
And Nvidia official statements
NVIDIA Statement on the Biden Administration’s Misguided 'AI Diffusion' Rule
73490545 :
74917530 105106443 : Yeah, it seems like this will constrain the potential for quantum tech international orders of services and products, as well as collaboration.