$Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS.CA)$got the better deal on KEY. 14% of Shares when Key was over 20 Jan 2023. Key paid down Debt 29 Billion to 22 Billion. Anyone who buys stock would want to buy at 17 seeing it was 20 plus not that long ago.
$Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS.CA)$Funny how BNS is down and Key is up. BNS must want something Key has. Key requires BNS as a Bank Partner. Something business wise that has nothing to do with stock is happening with them.
The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector. The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector.
Keyera Corp Stock Forum
Seems to have worked out really well for both TD and BMO (and RBC as well to an extent).
KeyBank has a pretty significant footprint in the US, if they eventually increase ownership levels to a controlling stake or full, it will give Scotia a lot of US territory. $The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD.CA)$ $Royal Bank of Canada (RY.CA)$ $Bank of Montreal (BMO.CA)$ $Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS.CA)$
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