The market decisively fell Friday, with the indexes pulling back. On Thursday,$Apple (AAPL.US)$hit an all-time high of $260, just below the $4 T market cap. Friday, the market pulled back, with other big tech names joining Apple in pilling down indices. It is looking bleak for a "Santa Clause Rally" that sees the last seven sessions or so of the trading year end in an overall gain. After the 4 pm close, the$Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$fell 0.77...
Sundar Subbarama
We still have a week to go for the Santa rally. Expecting a race to the top next Tuesday through Friday. Well Wednesday will be fireworks all around the World.
TRADE WITH US: TYNKR LAB™ $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$managed a slight gain of 0.04%, marking an end to its longest losing streak since 1974. This marginal recovery reflects cautious optimism among investors, tempered by concerns over the Federal Reserve’s future policy decisions. The broader market sentiment remains subdued, as the Federal Reserve announced a smaller-than-expected trajectory for rate cuts in 2025, signaling a p...
December 19th, the market tried its best to climb to recover from a post-FOMC crumble that sent indexes reeling. Instead, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq closed lower. At least the Dow Jones broke its 10-day losing streak by a gain of 15 points. Just past 4 pm ET the$S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$fell 0.09%, the$Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$climbed 0.09%, and the$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$fell 0.10%. The S&P 500 was down 3% for t...
Happy Thursday, December 19th. The market climbed after tumbling Wednesday following an FOMC dot plot projection that painted a sorry picture of next year's inflation. Whereas inflation at the end of the year was previously projected to dip to 2.1%, the new projection sees it hitting 2.5% by the end of 2025. $Micron Technology (MU.US)$shares are trading lower 13% Thursday after the company reported mixed earnings results...
$Lamb Weston (LW.US)$..F.. analysts!. they said it was worth one price, then after it falls, they change the rating to the new price! If they were so wrong before, ? why listen to them now? their ACTIONS PROVE they don't know their butts from holes in the ground.
you buy and it gets heavily shorted more
Capital Gains
nobody knows what the market will do on the short term but your right if they were confident in their thesis they shouldnt of changed it
by Luzi Ann Santos | moomoo News Magnificent Seven stocks dragged the rest of the stock market lower amid speculation investors are rotating out of this year's biggest gainers and rolling into equities whose strong fundamentals have been overshadowed by the artificial intelligence (AI) frenzy. The$S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$fell 2.3% to close at 5,427.13, while the$Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$lost 3.6% to 5,427.13. The two...
To talk for a while is to ask for interest rate cuts at the end of the month or the beginning of next month! For every 0.25 basis point reduction, the overall quarterly profit of the institution increased by 70 billion US dollars! That's almost 300 billion dollars a year! A 1% interest rate cut would be a huge profit! Even if the stock price falls, it's a huge profit! The meaning of Wall Street trading is obvious! It's about driving interest rate cuts through a sharp drop in stock prices! Slowing economic growth! Build momentum for the Democratic Party's Harris! Suppress Trump! All for the big ones! The purpose is to see the six major institutions jointly sell nearly 170 billion dollars of shares!
Sundar Subbarama : We still have a week to go for the Santa rally. Expecting a race to the top next Tuesday through Friday. Well Wednesday will be fireworks all around the World.
Stock_Drift : $Trump Media & Technology (DJT.US)$ $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$ $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $Nasdaq 100 (LIST91325.US)$ $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$ $Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI.US)$ $Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US)$
Yeah, what a day Kevin!!! The market surprised me!! lol.
Have a good weekend.
103677010 : noted
104327919HO : noted
102710538 Sundar Subbarama : 为什么周5下跌呢?
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