355.86MMarket Cap72.85P/E (TTM)
9.590High9.150Low347.64KVolume9.540Open9.490Pre Close3.26MTurnover1.03%Turnover Ratio55.71P/E (Static)37.58MShares9.98052wk High15.97P/B319.45MFloat Cap3.70052wk Low--Dividend TTM33.73MShs Float9.980Historical High--Div YieldTTM4.64%Amplitude0.930Historical Low9.388Avg Price1Lot Size
Lnova : You find all these companies I don’t know about. It’s really cool
Lnova : I want pasta after reading about this company
Bigmoney Dreamer OP Lnova : It’s just example imagine you going to planning next trading idea with very low risk every time how’s that help to to become consistently profitable after sufficient preparation so you don’t have to be in category of most of 90% traders who lose money more then wins, me also who are trying so hard to win
Lnova Bigmoney Dreamer OP : As I always say, where were you when I first started reading? I’ve lost so much throughout my experience in trading but I always try to learn from what goes wrong.
Bigmoney Dreamer OP Lnova : I hear you I am sorry me also same like you no forcing just trying to remind you the safe way trading so to prevent unforeseen losses by getting tools we need first good luck I will always try my best to give trade s
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