OUCH! Another industry being killed by regulation. Happens all of the time. Didn't the government do something like this in the recent past where they limited the amount of time people could spend on online games? What are they saying is the reason this regulation this time?
that looks really bad. I dont remember the whole chinese market falling this much off of regulation news. Am I missing something? Are investors assuming more regulation will be coming soon?
$HKEX (00388.HK)$slid 0.5% at midday. After the Policy Address announced the reduction of stamp duty on stock transfer, the stock once recovered before falling again. It last printed at $283.4, down 2.28%. Volume amounted to 6.7937 million shares, involving $1.984 billion. It is announced in the Policy Address that the Hong Kong government will reduce the rate of stamp duty on stock transfer from the...
Goldman Sachs Group strategists expect the selloff in Chinese stocks since late January to reverse as the nation’s economic reopening delivers windfall profits for businesses. Goldman Sachs see the potential for the MSCI China Index to reach 85 by the end of 2023, an increase of about 24 per cent from current levels, according to a note on Monday (Feb 20) from strategists including Kinger Lau. “The principal theme in the stock market...
when someone say up. it collapsed. Chinese equity market facing weakness. Time to exit got to be decisive. 4800 another low high and time to sell sell sell
China’s economy is expected to grow 4.8 per cent in 2023, at a time when its global peers are grappling with the dual threat of elevated inflation and slowing growth. Beijing’s loose monetary policy, which contrasts with a hawkish Federal Reserve, as well as a softening stance on private businesses, may offer Chinese shares an extra tailwind. Chinese firms’ cheap valuations also stand out. At about 10.6 times its 12-month forward earnings estimates, t...
YC Xiao
Today almost all shares are green. Considering to sell those already gained 30%. China jiayu!
SpyderCall OP : I see it now. It is a technical move. The price rejected a long-term fibonacci level.
102689729 : Look at Tencent you will know the news
SpyderCall OP 102689729 : OUCH! Another industry being killed by regulation. Happens all of the time. Didn't the government do something like this in the recent past where they limited the amount of time people could spend on online games? What are they saying is the reason this regulation this time?
102640653 : It’s look more like some sort of forced selling or margin call. Maybe it’s just a manipulation move to buy up cheap what u think .
SpyderCall OP 102689729 : that looks really bad. I dont remember the whole chinese market falling this much off of regulation news. Am I missing something? Are investors assuming more regulation will be coming soon?
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