88.63BMarket Cap44.70P/E (TTM)
491.120High484.495Low225.82KVolume483.430Open486.120Pre Close110.49MTurnover0.14%Turnover Ratio56.02P/E (Static)181.23MShares503.94552wk High22.70P/B81.98BFloat Cap358.00952wk Low3.32Dividend TTM167.65MShs Float503.945Historical High0.68%Div YieldTTM1.36%Amplitude8.052Historical Low489.270Avg Price1Lot Size
Old Timer Trader : He sold 80 BILLION DOLLARS of AAPL stock. Just a year ago, he stated that Apple was a stock that he would never sell… can you explain that?
Value trading : when did he say he’d never sell apple stock? not sure where u get that from
咖波猫 Old Timer Trader : He never stated Apple is a stock he would never sell before.