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Market Chatter: Toronto Exchange's Mining Dominance Under Threat As Explorers Exit
Orla Mining Completes Acquisition of Musselwhite Gold Mine in Ontario
SSR Mining Closes CC&V Acquisition and Voluntarily Delists From ASX
SSR Mining Acquired Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mine From Newmont Corp. >SSRM
Market Chatter: Canada's Allied Gold Seeks Listing On New York Stock Exchange
Market Chatter: Bankers Predict Magna Will Be Next To Embrace Carve Out Sale of Divisions
72608375 : do we think CAD stocks are going to continue to trend downward leading into Trudeau’s resignation guys? whats the word
Kasam 72608375 : I was was thinking the opposite: I believe the opportunity of a change could stimulate the economy, as many seem to blame Mr Trudeau for many existing problems in Canada.
72608375 Kasam : I was thinking kind of the same. I know the US are expecting stocks to rise after Trump gets into office. wondering if we’ll be the same with our new leader