405.66MMarket Cap12.58P/E (TTM)
75.230High73.265Low58.19KVolume73.850Open74.650Pre Close4.32MTurnover1.09%Turnover Ratio16.42P/E (Static)5.50MShares90.99752wk High1.56P/B394.00MFloat Cap42.68752wk Low2.44Dividend TTM5.34MShs Float90.997Historical High3.31%Div YieldTTM2.63%Amplitude2.324Historical Low74.170Avg Price1Lot Size
72158776 : p u use AI for your trades, or are you a secret stock bit coin ninja cause I doingball I can to get some money I have coming in from a friend that past and left me with some and I want to make the kinda money with it to give my mom a restful retirement