24.83BMarket Cap14.47P/E (TTM)
62.590High57.960Low14.87MVolume62.410Open62.730Pre Close878.15MTurnover3.51%Turnover Ratio11.92P/E (Static)425.80MShares85.16052wk High2.89P/B24.72BFloat Cap57.96052wk Low--Dividend TTM423.93MShs Float111.350Historical High--Div YieldTTM7.38%Amplitude0.890Historical Low59.061Avg Price1Lot Size
104561867 : if the management is smart and analysts recommending buy wirh price targets above 80, then why are investors selling off the stock instead of holding them? Is there something going on that we do not know of?
韭菜变主力 OP 104561867 : The 50 day moving average was about 70 and Soxx was at resistance. You go up to 80 for a P/E ~ 20 without sizable growth, that’s only 15% upside at most in a stretch. So the good move was to sell at 70 and buy it back at a lower price, or buy if it can stand above the resistance for a period of time.
狗资本家 : Option call maybe?
韭菜变主力 OP 狗资本家 : No, not call option. I’d buy now for a rebound to 65-70 and see how it goes. If it doesn’t rebound, I can cut loss anytime. It’s sitting on a strong support and unlikely to gap down without letting you get out.