Probiotec Ltd: Removal from Official List
Probiotec Ltd: Appendix 3Z - Simon Gray
Probiotec Ltd: Appendix 3Z - Jonathan Wenig
Probiotec Ltd: Appendix 3Y - Simon Gray
Probiotec Ltd: Appendix 3Y - Jonathan Wenig
Probiotec Ltd: Appendix 3Y - Wesley Stringer
Probiotec Ltd: Implementation of Scheme of Arrangement
Probiotec Ltd: Change of Director's Interest Notice
Probiotec Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder
Probiotec Ltd: Ceasing to be a substantial holder from PPT
Probiotec Ltd: Suspension from Quotation
Probiotec Ltd: Notification of cessation of securities - PBP
Probiotec Ltd: Scheme of Arrangement becomes effective
Probiotec Ltd: Court approves Scheme of Arrangement
Probiotec Ltd: Dividend Declared - No reduction to Scheme Consideration
Probiotec Ltd: Dividend/Distribution - PBP
Probiotec Ltd: Results of Scheme Meeting
Probiotec Ltd: Scheme Meeting - Chair's Address and Presentation
Probiotec Ltd: Notice of Second Court Hearing
Probiotec Ltd: OJK and Pyridam Shareholder Approval Conditions Satisfied