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Nippon Electric Glass, Japan Post Insurance, ETC (Additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <6807> Wireless Electronics Macquarie "Neutral" "Outperform" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <3349> Cosmos Pharma
Panasonic Celebrates 25 Years of the Iconic FlashXpress Toaster Oven With the Launch of the New Air Fry Toaster Oven and 25th Anniversary Edition FlashXpress
Panasonic Unveils a Look Into the Future of Renewable Energy Homes
Porsche and Volvo have their unique style in Self-Driving Cars.
Self-Driving Cars featuring sporty movements like that of programmed Porsche Autos and those adjusted to a cautious pace like Volvo Autos, are reported to not only drive themselves in the future but also to have unique driving styles by utilizing software and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seems that semiconductor manufacturer NVIDIA is already developing AI-based technology for Auto Manufacturers to construct personalized driving systems that reflect their brand.
Rating information (investment determination change - part 1) = Nitto Boseki, Sojitz ETC
◎ Daiwa Securities (5 levels: 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5) Nichibo <3110.T> -- "3" → "2", 6300 yen → 6000 yen Nichias <5393.T> -- "1" → "2", 6700 yen → 5500 yen ◎ Mizuho Securities (3 levels: Buy > Hold > underperform) Sojitz <2768.T> -- "Hold" → "Buy", 3330 yen → 3840 yen Mitsubishi Corporation <8058.T> -- "Buy" → "Hold", 2830 yen → 2720 yen ◎ Okasan Securities (3 levels: Bullish > Hold > Bearish) Panasonic
<Rating Change Observation> New - Dai Sekis / Resonaq upgrade, Nichias downgrade, ETC.
◎New and resumed ratings for Kaneka <4118.T> -- domestic mid-sized firms rated at level 2 of 5. Daiseki <9793.T> -- internet-based firms rated at the highest level of 3. ◎Upgraded rating for Meiji HD <2269.T> -- bank-based firms rated at the middle level of 3. Sojitz <2768.T> -- bank-based firms rated at the highest level of 3. Nitto Boseki <3110.T> -- domestic large firms rated at level 2 of 5 (Target Price lowered). Resona Holdings <4004.T> -- foreign capital firms rated at the highest level of 5 (Target Price lowered). Fujifilm <4901>.
FaqnDeath99 : Very nice and thorough, thank you