0.00Open7.70Pre Close0 Volume3 Open Interest18.00Strike Price0.00Turnover295.24%IV-0.73%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date7.89Intrinsic Value100Multiplier1DDays to Expiry0.00Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type0.9867Delta0.0076Gamma3.36Leverage Ratio-0.0244Theta0.0006Rho3.32Eff Leverage0.0005Vega
104476495 : h
brave NyanCat_5398 : Biggest Ponzi scheme in the America as the extreme wealthy continues to scheme and navigate their way out of stealing TRILLIONS from the middle class retail investors!
Yani3167 : nice
Queen Islandtrader : And this folks is how the rich stays rich
Space Dust brave NyanCat_5398 : inflation has become a thing where the connected shift before the haircut
and leave the middle to divvy up the rest amongst newcomers sold a bill of goods at the previous wave of suckers expense.
the rich locals get to achieve all they can. from the work of group number 2.
the working class locals are stuck in place, complain about limited at every turn, horrible person.
rich in the poor countries get ahead from group in number 2 taxes.
poor country newcomers who gain much more than what there prospects were at home.. at the expense of group number 2.
there is NO SUCH THING as " opportunity" for immigrants unless it's resources taken from taxes. Upward mobility is for the 3/4 of the parts of the pie.
so, unless you are in group number #2. you have upward mobility at group number 2's expense..
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