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Small Caps That Historically Outperform the Russell 2000 in Corrections
Will Weakness in PriceSmart, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:PSMT) Stock Prove Temporary Given Strong Fundamentals?
PriceSmart, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:PSMT) Shareholders Might Be Looking For Exit
The USA Consumer Industry organizations sent a letter to Trump: requesting exemption from tariffs on raw materials that cannot be produced domestically!
The Consumer Brands Association, a USA consumer goods trade organization, has written to the Trump administration requesting exemptions from tariffs on raw materials that cannot be produced in the USA and are reliant on imports, including coffee, Oats Futures, and cocoa. The organization represents major manufacturers of PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, and other Packaged Foods and Personal Care products, arguing that exempting these raw material tariffs will help protect USA manufacturers and lower domestic inflation.
PriceSmart Announces New CEO Appointment for 2025
PriceSmart Names David Price as CEO