$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$if cash I'd rather just have access to$ROCHE HOLDING AG (RHHBY.US)$yearly dividends at least then we could have a yearly cash flow while awaiting whatever else is in store within the next 5-10 years. 👍
Has anyone else confirmed this or heard any more about it?
Nobody knows. We're just awaiting confirmation from Roche. We don't know if there are shorts stuck here either. May God bless them if they never covered . If Roche includes us in their RHHBY dividends the shorts would be paying us not Roche.
...well Ryan, put it this way, Cayman body sold some Lmdx branches to pay out banks and they are disolved through insolvency process...so practically and theoretically we lost. what is your thoughts about insolvency?
The Cayman entity that we were invested into was insolvent not the entire company. Given that context theoretically Roche SHOULD transfer us into a more stable version of Lumiradx, pay us out for our shares, or fund the ultimate parent company as they weren't fully liquidated. I think Biopharma will play hardball with Roche for Colombia like Roche spent months trying to lower the price.
I think Roche's objective was to acquire the main assets first for integration. Remember it wasn't a full liquidation and Roche never specified if they left the important pieces inside the Cayman entity or not. This would further my theory to turn Lumiradx into a wholely owned subsidiary. Dissolving and winding down doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of us or our shares. FTI Consulting has stated we are in a restructuring. I believe the "conflict of interest" Ron Zwanziger mentioned was based on the fact that he knew Roche would gain 100% of Lumiradx and didn't want to be a part of the company after that. I mean technically anything can happen, but this is a process. I could relay what I got from an insider (that you've emailed) but to keep it on the DL and respect privacy I won't mention names, but rest assured you know who I'm talking about @Tatae2023. Basically he told me we should bombard Roche.
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$Do we know the actual terms of this deal? or what they want us to know....how do we know that the Cayman entity doesn't still hold the assets?.... wish they'd hurry up. If we get screwed I'm blaming those money hungry Swiss fucks. $ROCHE HOLDING AG (RHHBY.US)$ at this rate I wish$Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US)$had acquired us instead.
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$I'm currently blasting all entities on LinkedIn. If we get nothing and yet$Walmart (WMT.US)$starts sporting the$ROCHE HOLDING AG (RHHBY.US)$Lumiradx names on those health vans soon we know we got the shaft from big pharma. Poseida Therapeutics got a 1.5B buyout unwillingly from Roche and yet Roche still has 5.5B from '24 they could most definitely make those Stocktwits glitches a reality here. It's fucking sad to know that. Most of us would settle for IPO price!
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$@BadPaintrevisiting your Bill Gates post about him not selling his shares. It was announced while Lumiradx was on expert market I believe. Now I will say this, all the institutions that sold could have sold prior to expert market and bought back in during expert through an offshore entity. Zwanziger Ventures LLC perhaps? Can you dig more into Senvest for us? Off topic here a bit however I found this intriguing that Cobas was introduced in '94 however Roche only started divi...
$LumiraDx (LMDXF.US)$fiercebiotech.c... So, let me get this straight.... $ROCHE HOLDING AG (RHHBY.US)$a 350B company has 10B to allocate/year for acquisitions. Only had 3 acquisitions last year us $Poseida Therapeutics(Delisted) (PSTX.US)$ & Carmot and have the AUDACITY to keep us in the dark for so long after inserting directors and pulling all the shennanigans they can. Most of the shareholders here would accept 10 a share. I won't accept less than 25.00 for this now.
@BadPaint did you see how long it took Roche to acquire Genentech? like 15 years for 46B. I surely hope we're not the diagnostic version of Genentech
at this rate I wish $Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.US)$ had acquired us instead.
Poseida Therapeutics got a 1.5B buyout unwillingly from Roche and yet Roche still has 5.5B from '24 they could most definitely make those Stocktwits glitches a reality here. It's fucking sad to know that. Most of us would settle for IPO price!
Off topic here a bit however I found this intriguing that Cobas was introduced in '94 however Roche only started divi...
So, let me get this straight....
$ROCHE HOLDING AG (RHHBY.US)$ a 350B company has 10B to allocate/year for acquisitions. Only had 3 acquisitions last year
$Poseida Therapeutics(Delisted) (PSTX.US)$
and have the AUDACITY to keep us in the dark for so long after inserting directors and pulling all the shennanigans they can. Most of the shareholders here would accept 10 a share. I won't accept less than 25.00 for this now.
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