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List of stocks that have broken through the clouds (weekly chart) (Part 1)
○ List of stocks that exceed cloud levels in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1662> Petroleum Resources 1257 1179 1216 <1663> K&O Energy 3340 3290 3163 <1884> Nihon Douro 1922 1633.5 1897.5 <1893> Goyo Construction 7296 38.257 27 <1979> Taikisha 4850 4722.5 417.5 <2
Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3
List of conversion stocks [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of Stocks for Buy Change Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1812> Kashima 3125 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 50264816 <1946> Toenek 1011957 <1950> Japan Electric Utility 21992096 <1951> Exeo Group 17691711 <2121> MIXI 34203290 <2154> Open UP 18681756 <25
Epson Scanning Solutions Help Small Businesses Get Ready for Tax Season With AI
Japanese stock buybacks this week (3/10~3/14)
――――3/10――――$Yaoko(8279.JP)$ will buy back up to 240K shares, 0.59% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 2.18 billion.$Ohmoto Gumi(1793.JP)$ will cancel 4
Epson rebounded after three days, with 11,372,200 treasury shares to be extinguished as of the 28th.
Epson <6724.T> has rebounded for the first time in three days, reaching a high of 26.5 yen at 2492 yen. After the market closed on the 13th, it announced the cancellation of its treasury shares, which was viewed as a positive development. The company will retire 11,372,200 shares of its treasury stock (2.95% of the issued shares before retirement) as of March 28. It seems that concerns about the re-release of treasury shares into the market have diminished. The number of issued shares after the retirement is expected to be 373,573,152. As of 10:10 AM, the stock price is