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Haseko, Daiwa House, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <8056> BIPROGY City "3" "2" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------- <3659> Nexon Nomura "Buy" "
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Kumagai Gumi, Seiren ETC.
◎Nomura Securities (3-stage: Buy > Neutral > Reduce) Kumagai Gumi <1861.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 5,100 yen → 4,850 yen Sumitomo Forestry <1911.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 7,620 yen → 6,610 yen Daiwa House <1925.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 5,130 yen → 5,460 yen Jinushi <3252.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 2,570 yen → 2,610 yen Miura Corporation <6005.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 520.
List of conversion stocks (Part 4) [Parabolic Signal conversion stock list]
○ List of stocks that shifted to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <6523> PHC HD 1024 1064 <6535> iMobile 475494 <6584> Mitsukura Engineering 690750 <6586> Makita 44375114 <6588> Toshiba Tec 33153455 <6592> Mabuchi Motor 20742183 <6616> Trex Co. 11251198 <665
List of stocks breaking through the cloud (part 3) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of stocks breaking through the cloud]
○ List of stocks under the cloud market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <5185> Fukoku 1734 1743 1782 <5232> Sumitomo Osaka 324832993621.5 <5331> Noritake 37553816.253922.5 <5333> Japan Display 19131967.751947.5 <5702> Daiki Aluminum 1029104
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Sanyo Special Steel, Freebit, Konami Group, ETC.
Stock Name<Code> 3-Day Closing Price ⇒ Comparison with Previous Day Kyokuyo <1301> 4335 +200 Operating profit in the third quarter cumulative increased by 42.0%. Progress rate towards the full-year Financial Estimates operating profit is 98.6%. Gold Under Construction <1897> 2782 +6124 Revised upward the profit estimates for the year ending December. Toho Electric Device <2760> 2960 -195 Operating profit in the third quarter cumulative decreased by 18.4%. The reduction in profit rate expanded from a 12.0% decrease in the first half. Ono Pharmaceutical <4528> 1532 -81 Operating profit in the third quarter cumulative is 5.
Japanese Stocks Drop 2.7%