79.73BMarket Cap14.30P/E (TTM)
27.980High27.120Low351.10KVolume27.180Open28.210Pre Close9.67MTurnover0.01%Turnover RatioLossP/E (Static)2.88BShares37.09852wk High0.97P/B79.73BFloat Cap22.29552wk Low0.13Dividend TTM2.88BShs Float49.582Historical High0.48%Div YieldTTM3.05%Amplitude6.396Historical Low27.552Avg Price1Lot Size
JFL : hows the software accuracy ?
10baggerbamm OP JFL : let me say it this way yesterday I ran 5 minute increments to see how well it would run on daily trades that's why I wasn't too active in posting
it was right 90% of the time intraday yesterday
so those were day trades that it triggered buys on and sells which is astounding accuracy
I ran 2 years worth of my prior trades over the weekend specifically my losses I wasn't so much worried about my winners I wanted to see by back testing would it have initiated a cell to mitigate my losses and I don't mean obviously if you hold a stock through earnings and I get a gap down there's no software that's going to help you
it ran last weekend when I back tested a little over 75% accurate for the companies I lost money in
this is a very expensive program I'm sharing the cost with a couple of my buddies that have enormous accounts I mean I have a large one and I've shared the size and the past these guys are worth 30 million 50 million dollars they're worth a shit ton of money compared to me.. and they are very active where I take a full position say is $400,000 they're doing 2+ million so exponentially larger than me.
still learning it and what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to leverage my background with the software because what I don't want to do is I don't want to trade a shit company I don't want to trade a company that blew the earnings Mr guidance and you're stepping on a downgrade from a brokerage firm any day you're stepping on the company guiding lower a cancellation of an order so I'm trying to eliminate potential problems despite the software saying by this stock
JFL 10baggerbamm OP : i always your follower to read every single post you write.