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The Nikkei average fell by 1,100 yen, a significant decline, marking the largest drop of the year and the biggest in five months as of the afternoon of the 28th.
On the 28th, the Nikkei average stock price in the afternoon session fell significantly by 1,100.67 yen from the previous day, closing at 37,155.50 yen. In terms of closing price, this drop exceeds the decline on the 3rd (1,052.40 yen) and marks the largest drop this year, the biggest since September 30 of last year (1,910.01 yen), making it the largest drop in five months. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) also dropped significantly by 54.16 points to 2,682.09 points. On the 27th local time, NVIDIA's stock price plummeted in the U.S. stock market. The SOX (Philadelphia Semiconductor Index) dropped.
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
* Tohoku Electric Power <9070> 7870 - The movement continues to align with the TOB price due to the announcement of the implementation of an MBO. * GMO Internet <4784> 1362 +141 Especially with no new materials, it seems to be influenced by supply and demand factors at the end of the month. * Aichi Steel <5482> 7220 +460 Announced the implementation of a Share Buyback in off-hours trading. * Hokuriku Electric Power <9505> 833.2 +44.4 Adjusted financial estimates and dividends upward. * SRE HD <2980> 3180 +100 The sale price has also been determined, and buybacks are underway.
The trends of ADR on the 27th = In yen terms, Shin-Etsu Chemical, TDK, Advantest, etc. are down.
On the 27th, the American Depositary Receipts (ADR) showed a broad decline compared to the Tokyo closing prices in yen. In yen terms, Shin-Etsu <4063.T>, TDK <6762.T>, Advantest <6857.T>, Murata Manufacturing <6981.T>, SoftBank Group <9984.T>, and others were down. Keyence <6861.T>, Denso <6902.T>, Nissan <7201.T>, Honda <7267.T>, and Tokyo Electron <8035.T> were also weak. Provided by Wealth Advisors.
Google is reallocating resources to AI, ETC.
According to sources, Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet, has conducted layoffs in its cloud division to redirect resources towards investments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other areas. It is reported that major Technology companies are being urged to invest in AI technology without compromising on profits. <6702> Fujitsu <7046> TDSE <4011> Headwaters <3993> PKSHA
(Disclosure of progress and corrections) Announcement regarding the progress of the planned public tender offer by our subsidiary (LINE Yahoo Corporation, securities code 4689) for BEENOS Corporation (securities code 3328) and corrections to part of the a
Our subsidiary, LINE Yahoo Corporation (Securities Code: 4689, Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board, hereinafter referred to as "LINE Yahoo"), resolved at its board meeting held on December 19, 2024, to acquire the common stock and subscription rights of BEENOS Corporation (Securities Code: 3328, Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board) through a public purchase offer based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Law No. 25 of 1948, including subsequent amendments) and related laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as "this public purchase offer"), and 2025.
Mitsubishi Electric Signs Joint Research Agreement With Six Organizations Including SoftBank
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JFL : hows the software accuracy ?
10baggerbamm OP JFL : let me say it this way yesterday I ran 5 minute increments to see how well it would run on daily trades that's why I wasn't too active in posting
it was right 90% of the time intraday yesterday
so those were day trades that it triggered buys on and sells which is astounding accuracy
I ran 2 years worth of my prior trades over the weekend specifically my losses I wasn't so much worried about my winners I wanted to see by back testing would it have initiated a cell to mitigate my losses and I don't mean obviously if you hold a stock through earnings and I get a gap down there's no software that's going to help you
it ran last weekend when I back tested a little over 75% accurate for the companies I lost money in
this is a very expensive program I'm sharing the cost with a couple of my buddies that have enormous accounts I mean I have a large one and I've shared the size and the past these guys are worth 30 million 50 million dollars they're worth a shit ton of money compared to me.. and they are very active where I take a full position say is $400,000 they're doing 2+ million so exponentially larger than me.
still learning it and what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to leverage my background with the software because what I don't want to do is I don't want to trade a shit company I don't want to trade a company that blew the earnings Mr guidance and you're stepping on a downgrade from a brokerage firm any day you're stepping on the company guiding lower a cancellation of an order so I'm trying to eliminate potential problems despite the software saying by this stock
JFL 10baggerbamm OP : i always your follower to read every single post you write.