2.00Open2.55Pre Close15 Volume2.08K Open Interest36.00Strike Price2.65KTurnover102.11%IV0.64%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date1.43Intrinsic Value100Multiplier1DDays to Expiry0.22Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type-0.7808Delta0.1509Gamma20.95Leverage Ratio-0.2330Theta-0.0008Rho-16.36Eff Leverage0.0057Vega
Iwill TradeScared : Risk Level: 7 (High)
The risk level of investing in Sweetgreen is relatively high, scored at 7/10 , given the current analysis. The key factors contributing to this are the lack of profitability and the negative sentiment from recent insider selling. Additionally, the stock's fundamentals show a significant negative EPS and operating income, which could deter traders looking for stable earnings. The company operates in a sector that isn't particularly highlighted as hot, which lowers its attractiveness as a strong growth opportunity. These factors combined mean that potential investors should be wary of significant capital allocation into this position.
Support and Resistance Levels
Support Level: $39 - Clear support was established during consolidation following the breakout.
Resistance Level: $44.75 - The most recent 52-week high.
Breakout Level: $42.77 - Key breakout observed, confirming a potential entry point.
Trading Strategy
Given the current worksheet score of 4.45/10, it is advisable to refrain from trading Sweetgreen at this time. The score indicates a poor trading opportunity, and therefore, allocating capital to this stock may not yield the desired risk-reward ratio. Instead, investors should consider waiting for further developments that could raise the overall viability score, such as positive earnings, improved company performance, or favorable sectoral changes.