0.00Open6.30Pre Close0 Volume115 Open Interest45.00Strike Price0.00Turnover0.00%IV-4.91%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date8.11Intrinsic Value100Multiplier1DDays to Expiry0.00Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type--Delta--Gamma4.55Leverage Ratio--Theta--Rho--Eff Leverage--Vega
Schlumberger Stock Discussion
I should have bought a put option for ATH stocks like TSLA rather than buying a call option of AMD & SLB at 52 weeks' Low....
(Isn't it obvious VIX will climb back from the lowest 13 level and all stock will dip? But, I'm still afraid to buy put because of Xmas Year end Rally)
$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $Schlumberger (SLB.US)$ $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$
1. Who’s on Trump’s team? What are their primary responsibilities?
2. Economic ideologies of Cabinet members in policy-related roles
3. Economic ideologies of non-Cabinet members in policy-related roles
4. Impacts...
Why is Portfolio Diversification Important?
1. Risk Reduction:
$Occidental Petroleum (OXY.US)$ $Schlumberger (SLB.US)$
Q3 profit climb, but why is everyone selling the stock?
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