$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$this is coming out now after president Trump yesterday met with the head of India aside from US being a major net exporter with natural gas and oil to India he is going to provide all of our nuclear resources and companies to assist them in developing their nuclear program as rapidly as possible. that means every SMR is back in play again but maybe not today... there will be good news to follow in coming days right now it looks like everything is just getting hammered ...
Trent Stevenson714
somethings holding the production side of nuclear back, likely regulatory pressures. in the meantime im looking at US based chip and electronics manufacturers and nuclear fuel. everyone knows the boom is coming, so i have a feeling these companies are securing fuel sourcing contracts and such in the meantime.
you're not buying it based off of a price to sales because these companies have little to no sales. you're buying it on the forward expectation of the evolution of nuclear being fast tracked under a president Trump administration right now I listen to Chris wright I believe he said yesterday he's the Secretary of Energy I believe he said that it was 13 years for the last nuclear reactor to be constructed that's how long it took from submitting for the approval until they turn the switch and it was operational president Trump said prior to his inauguration that he was going to fast track after his inauguration he said that nuclear is very important and he was going to accelerate and a couple of years from start to finish would be great so 2 to 3 years from application to final completion. open the interim you have a company called GE vernova and they build these massive and they're like enormous the size of a house gas powered turbines and gas is dirt cheap and gas is clean and one of these gas powered turbines can power like 450,000 houses. so in the interim if data centers don't want to wait for an approval to build a reactor on site then they would utilize one of these evenova massive gas powered turbines that generates the electricity and it's run off of natural gas which is prevalent dirt cheap. so again you're not buying these companies on present day value because they're all asinine they're all stupid overvalued you're buying them off of what will they do over the next 5 years how many will be in place in the next 5 years so that's what you're doing you are paying up considerably and it is a bubble just like the quantum stocks these are also but so far these stocks on every dip have been bought
thanks for your information, it could make sense and i realize that these stocks are running on speculation and for sure bubbles are in the stock market everywhere.
the bubbles were in the quantum stocks and they popped and then they had another little run a dead cat bounce and now they're kind of all petering off they're just kind of drifting back down they'll have another day but it's not today the nuclear stocks all kind of popped they sold down to you had a short report come out on SMR and oklo and obviously they rallied up but they are they are very premium price that's why you want to catch them on the way up you know you'll nibble at them on a support line and then you want to catch them on the way up and you got to sell into the strength and leave your profits in the company because these guys could turn into huge huge monsters in four five years and even if you only have a few hundred shares these stocks go to a few hundred dollars a share and they could very easily do that then it's a decent amount of money.. that's why I'm a big advocate as long as you get your principal out these can be traded multiple times just leave your profits in or however much profits you want to and forget about him don't worry about if they're up down sideways let the industry evolve
$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$Chris wright who sits on the board of oklo who's the Secretary of Energy under Trump he's been on CNBC he was on for about 5 minutes being interviewed live and he was talking up nuclear like you've never heard before so that's why all of these stocks and look oklo $10 but all of them are spiking today
$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$what you want to see now are higher lows so if you go back and you look at yesterday's low and then you go back another week and a half and you see the prior low you don't want to see this next dip be lower than the most recent low. if you go low, higher low, lower low that's trending back down yesterday was $21.10 this next consolidation we don't want to be lower than that number
Kirk Holmes
don't want to see this next dip! buy rating, target raised....price drops, WTF
Kirk Holmes
just wait till the dip and buy it again all of them are rallying this one's lagging obviously but there's still money to be made in it
$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$be cautious buying this down 2 dollars print. I know it's tempting but I think if it could be bought at 21 or $20.90 another dollar down you have greatly maximized your risk reward in the short term. ordinarily I say if it's down $2 on the open buy it however we still have some profit taking I think that could come out of all three of these SMR or technically four SMR stocks. so if you don't own it I would say buy maximum 1/3 of your position at the current prices if it...
I most def didn't buy enough lol. I'm gonna hold my UEC for long. In the hopes that when they start firing the mini reactors up for travel, small sub stations and the what not. They should bid well from the increased demands locally and afar.
I'm not too worried, since it looks like some firms are beginning to buy into UEC. Maybe I can ride their coat tails when they turn on the escalator lol. This is my first play on long just hoping for growth. Might be one of those stocks that you hold for years in the back and all the sudden surges off.
NuScale Power Stock Forum
that means every SMR is back in play again
but maybe not today...
there will be good news to follow in coming days right now it looks like everything is just getting hammered ...
Should You Buy, Sell or Hold NuScale Power Stock at Its P/S of 163.9X?
so if you go back and you look at yesterday's low and then you go back another week and a half and you see the prior low you don't want to see this next dip be lower than the most recent low.
if you go low, higher low, lower low that's trending back down
yesterday was $21.10
this next consolidation we don't want to be lower than that number
ordinarily I say if it's down $2 on the open buy it however we still have some profit taking I think that could come out of all three of these SMR or technically four SMR stocks.
so if you don't own it I would say buy maximum 1/3 of your position at the current prices if it...
the runners
$Lightbridge (LTBR.US)$
$Oklo Inc (OKLO.US)$
$NANO Nuclear Energy (NNE.US)$
$NuScale Power (SMR.US)$
the top miners holding
$Denison Mines (DNN.US)$
$Uranium Energy (UEC.US)$
Be Safe, Be Careful, Be Wise
and as always
Good Luck 🙏
my note to the group
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