1.48Open1.07Pre Close9.91K Volume5.20K Open Interest23.00Strike Price1.13MTurnover354.20%IV26.36%PremiumDec 20, 2024Expiry Date0.00Intrinsic Value100Multiplier1DDays to Expiry0.20Extrinsic Value100Contract SizeAmericanOptions Type0.1678Delta0.0685Gamma79.83Leverage Ratio-0.2998Theta0.0001Rho13.39Eff Leverage0.0026Vega
103787717 : no worries.. load and wait
Bigmunch OP 103787717 : Yea this is gonna take a while may see a few jump ups within the rest of this week and next but most likely nothing huge more or less gonna see it drop more