26.920High24.820Low90.91MVolume26.655Open26.760Pre Close2.33BTurnover29.01%Turnover Ratio--P/E (Static)313.40MShares69.75952wk High--P/B7.86BFloat Cap23.39252wk Low0.32Dividend TTM313.40MShs Float72.487Historical High1.28%Div YieldTTM7.85%Amplitude0.298Historical Low25.593Avg Price1Lot Size
I have sold this OTM Puts
now I have a few Deeply ITM Puts which I will observe for the next few days🥲
I think that's what's gonna happen.
Dropping further?
you really don't need a program to tell you the market's going lower. (it's kind of like if it's lightning and thundering outside and you stick your head out and it's pouring you don't need a weather person on TV to tell you it's raining out) I just want to put that out there to show people it's a net outflow there's not on any hourly basis o...
on 4h, nothing supports, on daily chart as well.
I know you can draw a line to lows and say its supported but that's often not a strong support, I think it will go down and I hope I am wrong. I bought some put but that's for little cash, my main asset is the long call….
moving average works better for support and resistance go and have a look at my chart, where the exact position of resistances were in the pa...
bought extra otm put back to 24.
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