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Block Options Spot-On: On December 11th, 157.49K Contracts Were Traded, With 955.34K Open Interest
Unusual Options Activity: IP, GD and Others Attract Market Bets, IP V/OI Ratio Reaches 413.4
Bother With Bitcoin? If You Haven't Bought Crypto, It May Be Too Late
Between $95K and $100K, Bitcoin Changes Long-term Holders
Barclays Maintains Block(SQ.US) With Buy Rating, Maintains Target Price $100
Eric Trump, the second son of Trump: The USA is about to welcome the most crypto-friendly government in history!
① Eric, the second son of Trump, the elected president of the USA, stated that the Trump administration will become the most friendly government towards Cryptos in USA history. ② Eric mentioned at the Bitcoin Middle East and North Africa conference that Trump will promote USA's leadership in the "digital revolution" and promised not to impose excessive regulation on Cryptos.