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Tosei Reit Investment: Extraordinary Report (Domestic Specific Securities)
Stock news premium = Real estate revives, which stocks should be targeted from here?
Against the backdrop of the Bank of Japan's hawkish shift, real estate stocks and REITs (listed real estate investment trusts), which had been trending weakly in the second half of last year, are now showing signs of recovery. Many stocks are undervalued compared to the assets of their holdings, making them easier to consider as acquisition targets. Recently, a tender offer (TOB) was announced for NTT Urban Development REIT Investment Corporation (NTT Urban R) <8956.T> and CRE <3458.T> (supervisory), raising interest in the sector.
Tosei Reit Investment: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Securities) - 20th Term (2024/05/01 - 2024/10/31)
Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) - Bronco B, Mitsui E&S, etc. are ranked.
In the ranking of Volume change rates, one can understand market participants' interests such as trends in stock selection by comparing the average Volume over the last 5 days with the Volume on the day of distribution. ■Top Volume Change Rates [As of January 22, 9:32] (Comparison of recent 5-day average Volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <4814> Nextware 52000 107185.08 174.76% 0.0075% <3451> To
Tosei Reit Investment: (Correction) Notice regarding partial revisions to the “Brief Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending 2024/10 (REIT)” and the “Report on Financial Results and Management Status for the 20th Period (Asset Manageme...
Japan Steel, Shizuoka FG, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After----------------------------------------------------------------<4626> Taiyo HD Morgan Stanley "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After----------------------------------------------------------------<