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Teligology HD --- Consolidated subsidiary Teligology has renewed its certification as a "DX Certified Business" as stipulated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Terilogy Holdings <5133> announced on the 4th that its consolidated subsidiary, Terilogy, has had its certification updated as a 'DX-certified company' under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's DX (Digital Transformation) certification system. Terilogy first obtained the certification in 2021, and this is the second time it has undergone the renewal examination. As a result, the period of certification validity has been extended until February 2027. The DX certification system is based on the 'Act on the Promotion of Information Processing.'
TeraLogy HD --- In the third quarter, there was double-digit revenue growth, with continued double-digit revenue growth in the Security division and the solution services division.
Teliology Holdings <5133> announced its consolidated financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April-December 2024) on the 14th. Revenue was 5.958 billion yen, up 26.4% compared to the same period last year; operating profit was 0.041 billion yen, down 55.5%; ordinary profit was 0.099 billion yen, down 31.9%; and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 0.005 billion yen, down 91.5%. Revenue in the network segment was 1.158 billion yen, down 2.6% compared to the same period last year. Continuing...
Company Research Report: Terilogy Holdings Corporation(5133)
Terilogy Holdings: Supplementary explanation of financial results summary for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Terilogy Holdings: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Kirin HD, Matsukiyo Cocok, Dentsu Group, Rakuten Group (14th) (1379-5368)
The above Calendar is merely a schedule and is subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akigawa Boku-en <1417> Mirait-Wan <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscaping <1443> Giken HD <1447> SAAF HD <145A> Elizbee<